Support Us

Sydenham Arts relies on support to deliver an innovative array of artistic activities for the whole community and to achieve our charitable aims ‘to provide, promote and advance the Arts for the benefit of the public, in particular people who live, work and are educated in Sydenham and surrounding areas’.

Support Us


Moving With Parkinson's Session

We're incredibly grateful for all the support we receive from our local community. Without your regular and one-off donations, we wouldn't be able to bring you the diverse range of events and activities throughout the year.

Every donation we receive goes directly towards supporting the charity to deliver new experiences, and helping to improve Sydenham and the surrounding area through creativity and the arts.

Please help us to continue our work by considering setting up a small, monthly donation, or simply by giving us a one-off contribution to our cause- every penny really does help!

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Volunteers are at the absolute heart of Sydenham Arts, supporting us at every step of the way!

Whatever your level of experience, we are always keen to hear from you if you're interesting in giving back to your local community, and having a bit of fun whilst doing it.

You could help out at an event or two, become a regular volunteer at one of our more established projects, offer time to distribute brochures or flyers for our various projects, or even help out behind the scenes to keep the charity ticking over.

If you're interested, check out our full info below or get in touch via

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Our Supporters

Image of people at a concert, in black and white

We are very grateful for the support give to us by a number of sponsors and funders, including Property World, Garfield Weston Foundation, Foyle Foundation, The Haberdashers' Company, Simpson Charitable Trust and Lewisham Local.