Waking The Sydenham Dragon
Reviving a Local Myth for Modern Times...

A local myth, lost for centuries...

There’s still lots we don’t know about the mythological past of
Sydenham’s dragon. What we do know, is that a ‘dragon’ resided
here from 1760, and pointed the way to the source of the
original well of Sydenham, as described here:
‘It was in the year 1760 I received the last touch of the artist,
and was declared worthy of being exalted to the top of a pole
to point out to passers-by the original old well of the
Sydenham waters. Yes, there I hung - the green dragon of
Sydenham - no mere painted picture or shadowy representation,
but a real, substantial, wooden, dragon "nat'ral as life" as
everybody said... Beautiful was I as I hung aloft, now turning
jauntily on my swivel, and now looking down with benevolent
eye upon the drinkers at the well.’
Our thanks go to Steve Grindley for uncovering this glimpse into it's history.
It's Time to Wake the Dragon...

This year , Sydenham Arts will start the process of reimagining this local myth. You are invited to help Sydenham Arts wake the Sydenham
Dragon on Friday 28th January, as part of Day One of Lewisham
London Borough of Culture 2022
The dragon will be brought to life as a new street art installation in Sydenham Station Approach. This re-awakening is an idea to
help revive a local legend, and set a legacy for our community
today. You are invited to leave a written message of hope for a
better, greener future on one of the dragon’s green scales (we
are guessing it had scales!). The dragon will be painted by local
artist Roshn - come and help him apply the finishing touches.